I have had a small life epiphany. Now, I am sorry to say but nothing exciting has happened to me, I don't have a job part-time or full-time and I'm still searching for both in lovely Florida. But at this moment I am extremely happy.
There are a lot of things we all assume are necessary to be happy. A loving family, a job we love, a person to share our lives with, and many other small things. But really, isn't happiness all about the journey to find those things? Really happiness is a decision we all make every day. And I am deciding to be happy.
And the sign that I can make that decision is, in my eyes, being able to laugh with no one around. When you're laughing because it's funny and not because you're around other people, well, then at that moment you must be happy. And I have spent all day alone and laughing and have to say its been a great day.
Just thought I would share my new goal with all of you, and if you need something to make you laugh here's a video that is...HILARIOUS.
Hopefully soon I'll be posting about a new job or something but until then, don't forget to laugh!